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TENGŐD 2022 

After two years of pandemic, it's time to get back to the common mud!
Let's meet this time in Tengőd!

Tickets here:


Facebook event:


LOCATION - at ‘Körépítők’ (Association of Environmentally Friendly Builders) Educational Center, Somogy county, Hungary. 
Exact address: 
HU-8668 Tengőd, Petőfi Sándor u. 135.
Google Maps:

ACCOMODATION - 1. option – Forest camping place with outdoor shower - FREE; 
2. option – Local and nearby guesthouses - from 30 to 90 EUR/night/person (depend on equipment)

FOOD AND DRINKS - You can bring your own food, or prepare it in the community kitchen. 
The Festival kitchen offers vegan, and normal (traditional) menus for 29 EUR/day. 
The capacity of the local grocery store is very limited.

© RegioEarth Festival
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